Maintaining a clean facility and preventing slip and falls
Our mats are designed to trap soil before it gets tracked throughout your facility. They come in a wide variety of colors and sizes to fit every need. Our mats are made with the latest innovative heat-twisted fiber and premium rubber backing that makes them lay flatter, keeping your customers, employees, and your business safer.
For floor mats to perform properly, they need to be maintained regularly. Vacuuming only removes 10% of the embedded dirt, and even hand scrubbing with soap and water leaves residual germs, soil, and grit behind. With our scheduled floor mat services, we regularly pick up soiled floor mats for professional, deep cleaning and replace them with clean, fully functional ones.

Maintaining a clean business environment will ensure that your employees remain healthy and happy, decreasing absenteeism and increasing morale. Keeping your facilities clean also decreases cross-contamination, which makes a positive statement about your business to your customers. Our products and services are completely satisfaction guaranteed.